• Friday Funnies

    I hope you enjoy these couple pictures. They made me chuckle:

    Dog and Flashlight
    No matter what situations life throws at you... No matter how long and treacherous your journey may seem.. Remember there is a light at the end of the tunnel

    Begger dogs
    Have a great day and remember to give thanks....Cats are so dramatic!!


    Have a great Friday, everyone!!


  • 80s Hunks

    So, I found this fun quiz and since I’m into the 80s stuff, I had to try it out.

    CLICK HERE to give it a shot and come back and tell us what you got.


    I’ll tell you mine . . .





    But go check yours out first.





    Okay, this is what I got:

    Your 80s Hunk is Kirk Cameron

    Back in the 80s, you would have been the most popular girl around. And obviously, you’d want to be with the cutest, most popular guy!

    You like a guy who is friendly, funny, and a bit of a troublemaker. Yes, you’re a bit picky. But you’re willing to fight to win you’re dream guy’s heart.


    Oh please ME popular back in the 80s? Thats a joke. LOL.

    So, what were your results?