• Insecurity

    Alex has this monthly gig on his blog called Insecure Writer’s Support Group. It’s pretty awesome. A bunch of writers and authors get their blogs together to keep the encouragement going.

    I’ve got a new release coming out October 15th. And yesterday was my cover reveal. So, I’m feeling all…Will people like it? Will people buy it? Will they throw virtual eggs at my post?

    But I can’t worry about that. I write because I love to. I donate a portion of all my proceeds to cancer research and awareness. And I love to encourage new and upcoming writers and authors. So, no matter if someone does throw an egg my direction, I’m glad to be doing what I’m doing.

    So all you peeps out there striving for a goal, taking steps toward it, stay true to your faith, values, and craft, and you’ll be just fine!

  • The Insecure Writer’s Support Group

    Thanks to Alex J Cavanaugh for this monthly meme.

    Writing is a crazy journey filled with ups, downs, curves and cliffs. I leapt off a couple of cliffs recently when it comes to the writing world.

    Awaited released May 1st: It’s my sophomore release–that’s nerve wracking in itself–not to mention the thoughts that roared through my head on release day. “Will people like it more/less than Wasteland?” “Will it flop?”…you get the drift.

    Prelude to Darkness released May 7th:As if ONE release wasn’t enough…a little short story released as well. It’s Wasteland pointfive. A prequel to book one.

    ***bites nails***

    So, to get me through the “yikes” of release month, blog tours, appearances, I had a few quotes of inspiration and encouragement.

    “Never regret. If it’s good, it’s wonderful. If it’s bad, it’s experience.” ~Victoria Holt

    “Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” ~Confucius

    “Failure is no falling down but refusing to get up.” (I’m not sure who said this one–found it online)

    “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” ~Albert Einstein

    Well, you get my drift. I hope these little quotes can help encourage you if you’re facing anxiety, uncertainty, or just feeling blahhh. Chin up, you’re not alone. Let’s live life together!


  • Insecure Writer’s Support Group

    Thanks, Alex, for hosting this round of Insecure Writer’s Support Group. I have to say, Alex is one of the most supportive people out there. If you don’t follow his blog, head over there now. You won’t be sorry.

    I found this AWESOME quote the other day and thought it would be perfect for today’s post. And really, it applies to anyone, not just writers.

    “Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.” –Mark Twain

    Now, doesn’t that quote just totally and completely rock?

    Press on, my friends, no matter what!

    Have a SUPER day!

  • Insecure Writers Support Group

    Alex has this cool, monthly post called The Insecure Writer’s Support Group.

    I love this idea–and not just for writers, either–for everyone. I mean, who couldn’t use an encouraging word, pat on the back, or hug (even cyber hugs).

    As an author/writer I often worry about things such as who likes my book, who doesn’t, why don’t they–but then I mentally slap myself and remember very key advice I’ve received on this journey:

    “You can’t please everyone. Not everyone will like you or your writing style.”

    It’s so true. I know I don’t like every single book I pick up to read. It’s not a knock against the writer as a person, it just wasn’t my type of book. So, I say, whether you’re a writer or not,

    “Keep on doing what you’re doing.”

    Have a super day, everyone!