• KM Wilsher

    Hey, KM, thanks for stoppin’ by the Light of Truth blog.

    Thank you, Lynn! How fun to be here with you. I am humbled and honored.

    You’re an up and coming writer who loves to read and write fantasy-How’d you get into that genre? Any defining moment(s)?

    The defining moments behind my love for fantasy fiction include: A small magical production of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe in 1980. The day I finished reading Jason and the Argonauts for English class–This is homework? The first paragraph of Harry Potter, but it all began with the bible. Yes, sitting in Sunday school hearing the Greatest Story ever told and reading verses like this: Revelation 6:2 I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest. Well, I know it was way back then a desire was born inside me to dream in colors of story, on the landscape of Fantasy.

    Your first publication was released April 1st with The Cross and the Cosmos (TC2), tell us how that came to be.

    The moment TC2 announced its first publication, I knew it would be a dream come true to be a part of it one day. So I submitted. And for some strange reason Glyn Shull said he liked this story.

    Seriously, TC2 is on the cutting edge of Christian Speculative Fiction. It is on a plane where the Glory of Christ Jesus and the twisted genius of speculative fiction meet. It is a free magazine where brilliant writers share their hearts and deepest stories. I am extremely grateful to be featured in their third edition.

    How did you come up with your short story Suicidal Instinct (LOVE LOVE LOVE the title, by the way)?

    Thanks, Lynn. The title was certainly a favorite of mine. Cliché as it sounds, Suicide came out of a dream. No concrete words or fully formed figures, just deep emotions spilling forth from two people. The story is a conversation with myself, a story mirroring the battle inside us all. The battle to punish ourselves for our wrongs, but Jesus has already taken our punishment. We can be free.

    If you could give one piece of advice to a writer, what would it be?

    Write everyday and delve head first into a writing community. These two pieces of advice were given to me. Once I followed them, my whole life changed.

    Lynn, you have inspired me more than you know. Thank you for interviewing little ole me!


    AHHH, you’re too kind, KM. I was happy to interview you.

    Okay, everyone, be sure to head over and read her short story, Suicidal Instinct, at The Cross and The Cosmos.

    You can also find her at:

    KM Wilsher blog

    KM Wilsher on Facebook

  • 2010 starts off with a bang.

    HI. Emma Martin here. You don’t know me, because I haven’t been asked to host the blog yet like some of Lynn’s other characters. What’s up with that anyway, Lynn?


    When Lynn got some fantastic news about her novel, Violet Midnight, I demanded I make the announcement on the blog. I mean, it’s a book about ME, so it’s only fair, right?

    She’s already plastered it over Facebook and Twitter, so you probably know already, but at least I get to tell you more of the details.

    Back on November 8th, 2009, Lynn decided to enter my story in a contest called Write Your Name Across The Sky, sponsored by The Book Boost. I thought it’d be cool because I like how she told my story.

    So, on Sunday, Lynn was just sitting in her little office, working on her other book, Guardian. It was requested by an editor on Friday, so she was doing a read-through because she’s anal like that.

    Anyway, an email from The Book Boost popped into her inbox. She snatched up the laptop and ran out to her hubby. I tagged along, so I saw the entire thing go down.

    They sat on the couch while Lynn clicked the link to the results. I thought her chest would explode she sucked in such a deep breath. So did her hubby. He’s such a cutie (sorry, Lynn, had to say it–you know it’s true).

    Okay, back to the story.

    Lynn scrolled down and just under the First Prize badge, it said, “Violet Midnight, by Lynn Rush.” Then it had her picture and a short bio of her.

    I flopped to my knees, dumbfounded at the fact that my story would be published. People might buy my story and learn about my crazy, demon-fighting life.


    Both Lynn and her hubby didn’t believe it at first. I knew right away it was true, but they doubted. Especially Lynn. She had to email a couple people to have them read the link to see if that’s what it really and truly said.

    It did.

    She’d won first prize in the contest—a publishing contract and a year of promotion!

    So, the year has truly started out with a bang for Lynn. New job, winning a contract, and getting a full request for Guardian from an editor.

    Thanks for letting me stop by and share the news, Lynn. I’m so excited Violet Midnight won.