• Faith


    So, a Christian’s life should be easy, right? No problems. No worries. I mean, heck, you “found God” right?

    You know, I used to think that when I was young in my faith.

    Yeah, not so much.

    Sure, God’ll provide, God’ll be there with me, I don’t doubt that one bit. But the Life’s-gonna-be-easy-idea. . . again with the Yeah, not so much . . .

    During this economic crisis, many have lost jobs. Unemployment is at a ginormous rate. Well, I have joined the ranks of such.

    Although I loved my job and those with whom I worked, am I mad because I lost it?


    Well, some would say, “But you gave your heart and soul to that job, and look at what kind of thanks do they gave you?”

    Nope. Not thinking that either.

    “Okay, but you gotta admit, it sucks, right?”

    Yep, that I’ll admit. It’s a bit of an inconvenience. Lots of uncertainty and confusion and a little fear. Heck, before it happened, I’d wondered if I would have to experience unemployment since my industry had been shaky for a couple years now (mortgages).

    But never once did I think, “Oh God, how could you do this to me?”

    Really, you can chuckle all you want, but it’s true.

    Someone might ask, “How could you not think that? You’re a Christian, God shouldn’t allow bad things to happen to you.”

    God has not promised an easy road for anyone, Christians and non-Christians alike. He’s only promised those who have complete faith in Him that He will never leave our side through the good and the bad.

    **So, what do you think? What gets you through your struggles?**