• Love Never Fails…

    Okay, here’s another one I found while surfing for love pictures since Valentine’s Day is coming soon. This one ROCKS because it’s a heart around “LOVE NEVER FAILS” and that’s pretty much one of my favorite phrases.

    Check this out:

  • Heart Sun..

    Since Valentine’s Day is coming up, I decided to do a little searching for some fun pictures about love. I mean, I am a romance writer. Sure, there’s always some crazy-insane supernatural thing going on with it…but still. I found some pretty interesting pictures.

    Check this one out:

    Click Image for Source

  • Musical Monday




    Happy Monday, everyone.

    I’ve played this song on Musical Monday before, but I just had to bring it up again because it holds a special meaning to me.

    My hubby, Charlie, proposed to me fourteen years ago on Valentine’s Day. And we all know yesterday was Valentine’s Day. So, I had to dig out this song.

    Fourteen years ago, Anytime You Need a Friend, was my favorite song.

    Back then, we were living in Iowa City, IA, going to grad school. It was Valentine’s Day, and Charlie had a big test the next day, so he was stuck studying. But he said he’d stop by my place on a study break to see me.

    He came over to my little apartment and put this song in the CD player, then asked me to dance.

    Yep, couldn’t have been a more romantic Valentine’s Day as far as I was concerned.

    Oh wait, yes it could. . . he dropped to one knee, held up the ring and asked me to spend the rest of my life with him.To make it even more special, the diamond, is his mother’s engagement diamond! (They just celebrated 42 years of marriage last year!)

    Anyway, of course I squealed and said yes and the rest is history.

    My favorite words from this song are: “I will love you endlessly,” which pretty much sum things up for us.

    What’s your fondest Valentine’s Day memory?

  • THEN AND NOW THURSDAY–week of love

    heart1Our week of love continues with THEN AND NOW Thursdays.

    As you can imagine, I had to check into the candy hearts.

    Remember those chalky little things? We’d get them in their small, pink boxes that had a see through front in the shape of a heart?


    candy-hearts-thenRemember those cute little sayings. “Be Mine” or “Kiss Me?” Did you get them with a little cartoon card messily signed by some secret valentine?

    And, don’t forget those little boxes we had to make in gradeschool then go around and put the cards in….Oh my goodness.

    The sayings on those little candies were so sweet and innocent back then, right? never looked into them much.


    candyheartfeat2009But now. With all the technology we have, we can customize what we want to put on them.

    Some of the sweet sayings have changed with the times.

    “URA QT”

    “Tres Chic”

    Or anything you want them to say.

    I bet they still taste the same, though. But I’ll always remember childhood when I chomp on those candy hearts


    What was Valentine’s Day like when you were young?
