• Violet Night is in Print

    A book cover with an image of a sword and the words " violet night ".

    Exciting news. The Violet Night Omnibus is in PRINT now. Until today it’s only been available on Kindle Unlimited (digital format), but for those of you who like those print copies, this massive book is now available on Amazon.

    And when I say massive… it’s just shy of 700 pages!

    CLICK HERE to grab your copy. And if you do, drop me an email with your proof of purchase and postal address, and I’ll send you a signed book plate!

    Happy reading, my friends!!



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  • A yellow and white background with a book cover.

    Three Novels. 99-cents.

    A yellow and white background with a book cover.

    Yep, you read right!

    3 novels. 99-cents!

    Limited time only, you get the whole Violet Night Trilogy, plus novella for only $.99! I hope you enjoy Emma and Jake’s journey!

    Let the Hunt begin.

    Emma’s wrist is glowing again, after three months of dormancy. That means only one thing – the vampires are back.

    Considering she’s currently failing her psych class, she doesn’t really have time for this. But there’s no denying the glow.

    When a mysterious guy, who has a few powers of his own, crashes the vampire party, Emma realizes she may no longer be alone in this supernatural fight.

    Happy reading, my friends!!


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  • A picture of the logo for kiss live reading with lynn rush.

    Let’s CHAT




    I’m going to be over at KISS ROMANCE’s Facebook Page on March 29th at 1pm Eastern Time!

    I’ll be answering your questions, doing a little reading from one of my Violet Night Trilogy books, and basically chatting it up about whatever you guys want.

    Also, I’ll be giving away some coins!! Yes! Coins are good for reading over at the KISS Romance App.

    I’ve set up an event HERE so you can get a reminder!

    See you soon!