• #RUSHED Twitter Party Tonight

    RUSHED TWITTER PARYWe’re going to blaze up Twitter again tonight! Hope you can come join in on the fun!!

    Here are the deets.

    Date: April 9th, 2013

    Time: 8-9pm EDT (yep, that’s New York time)

    Guest Author: CARRIE BUTLER!

    Grand prize: $15 eGift Card to B&N or Amazon (winner’s choice)

    But there are other prizes throughout the hour, so be sure to stick around for your chances to win big!


    Twitter parties can move really fast, so check out TweetChat. It’s a GREAT way to keep up. Especially if you change the refresh speed to FIVE SECONDS. Yep. It’s super fast. AND—it adds the hashtag to every post automatically! No forgetting that any longer!