• D is for Duran Duran…

    Yep, another 80s song. But hey, it’s Hungry Like a Wolf, you know you want to see this one again.



    Weren’t 80s videos just cheesy?

    I LOVE IT!

    *****Oh, and here’s some super fun news******

    Awaited is LIVE for PRE-ORDER at All Romance E-book!!

    Gosh, May 1st (release date) is coming fast.

    Stay tuned!


    Have you ever sat and reminisced about what was popular when you were a kid? Well…. “Then and Now” Thursdays is right up your alley.


    DURAN DURAN 1981
    DURAN DURAN 1981

    Do you remember DURAN DURAN?

    Oh my. . . Do I ever!

    I had pictures up

    on my bedroom walls like

    any teenage girl back then.

    They look pretty okay now, too!


    DuranDuran 2009
    DuranDuran 2008

    You know what?

    I hear they are still touring too.

    That says a lot, doesn’t it?

    Oh, remember this video?

