• What’s your passion?


    This past Saturday, I had a lot of time to think while I sat on my road bike for four hours and thirty-seven minutes.

    Yep, you read that right. 4 hours 37 minutes.

    I’m trying to do my first 100-mile bike ride ever on November 28th (my 37th birthday) and this past weekend, on Saturday, I cycled further than I ever have–83 miles.

    During that time, fighting through the wind trying to slow me down, I thought about a lot of things, but one that popped up a few times was passions.

    Yeah, I write romance novels, but it wasn’t THAT kind of passion I was thinking about. 🙂

    For example, I worked at the bookstore after I’d done that long bike ride, and my friend, Gary, asked me what I’d done that day.

    “Oh, I went on a bike ride,” I said.

    “Oh yeah? How far’d you go?”

    I grinned, heat instantly flaming my cheeks. “Uhm, well–”

    “What? Seventy?”

    “No, a few more.”

    “How far?”

    “83 miles.”

    “Why on earth would you do that?”

    I get that question a lot. I just smiled and chuckled.

    But really, why would I do that? It’s a valid question, right?

    Well, exercise is a passion of mine. Same with my hubby. Sure, some would argue that we teeter the line of exercise and insanity, but nevertheless, it’s a passion of ours. It’s time to de-stress, enjoy our city, and stay fit.

    I love to have goals to shoot for, and what better goal to have than on my 37th birthday to ride my bike 100 miles? (Hey, then I can eat as much birthday cake as I want, right?)

    Just like a goal for the NaNo writers out there to write 50,000 words in a month. Or, triathletes to see if they can swim 2 miles, then bike over a hundred, then run 26 miles.

    I guess if you find something you love, go for it.

    So, what’s your passion?