• Musical Monday

    Okay, I know last week was One Hit Wonder Week, but I think I needed to extend it one more day with this one. . .


    Heart and Soul, by T’Pau



    Okay, this song ROCKS! Classic 80’s hair, too. Great voice and a catchy little tune, huh? It’s not too cheesy, even with the hint of “hand dancing. . . ”


    Happy Monday, everyone. Here’s to a GREAT week!



    Musical Mondays is about our favorite music. If you’re a writer, does it inspire your creativity? Cure writer’s block? If you’re not a writer, what do your favorite songs do for you?


    Heart and Soul by T’Pau.

    We watched one hit wonders this weekend on VH-1 classic. As soon as my hubby saw this one, he’s like, “Oh, Musical Monday song right here.”

    I found their one hit wonder on you tube. Man, this chick can sing. Can’t she?




    ***What songs are rockin’ your world lately?***